Last updated 01/03/2025

Members List

IMLA has 56 current members. Below is a list of them, click on their name for more information:

IMLA member Contact
Accord Mortgages Jeremy Duncombe
Aldermore Bank plc Nicola Goldie
Bank of Ireland Alan Longhorn
Barclays UK Frances Cassidy
Bluestone Mortgages Ryan Davies
Buckinghamshire Building Society Claire Askham
Cambridge Building Society Tracy Simpson
Chetwood Bank Darrell Walker
Clydesdale Bank plc Richard Walker
Coventry Building Society Jonathan Stinton
Cumberland Building Society Lisa Hodgson
Danske Bank Patrick Mullan
Dudley Building Society Robert Oliver
Family Building Society Darren Deacon
Fleet Mortgages Ltd Steve Cox
Foundation Home Loans Grant Hendry
Gatehouse Bank plc Lottie Dougill
Generation Home Peter Dockar
Hampshire Trust Bank Andrea Glasgow
Hinckley & Rugby Building Society Laura Sneddon
Hodge Bank Emma Graham
HSBC Richard Beardshaw
Keystone Property Finance Elise Coole
Landbay Rob Stanton
Leeds Building Society Martese Carton
Leek Building Society Nikki Warren-Dean
Legal & General Home Finance Marie Catch
Lendinvest Sophie Kettle
Lloyds Banking Group Amanda Bryden
Market Financial Solutions Limited Karen Rodrigues
Melton Building Society Dan Atkinson
Metro Bank Joanne Hollins
More 2 Life Russell Warwick
MPowered Mortgages Paul Kane
MT Finance Marylen Edwards
Nationwide Building Society James Briffitt
Natwest Intermediary Solutions Nadine Edwards
Newcastle Building Society Francesco Di Pietro
Nottingham Building Society Matt Kingston
OSB Group plc Adrian Moloney
Paragon Group Louisa Sedgwick
Pepper Money Paul Adams
Principality BS Helen Lewis
Pure Retirement Limited Scott Burman
Saffron Building Society Tony Hall
Santander UK plc Paul McCarthy
Shawbrook Bank Limited Daryl Norkett
Skipton Building Society Paul Fenn
Suffolk Building Society Charlotte Grimshaw
The Mortgage Lender Limited Sara Palmer
TSB Beverley Bradford
United Trust Bank Limited Buster Tolfree
Vida Homeloans Vicky Birkby
West Brom Alasdair McDonald
West One Secured Loans Ltd. Andrew Ferguson
Zephyr Homeloans Mark Rookyard