IMLA News Archive

Journey to the FCA; to make financial markets work well so consumers get a fair deal
12 December 2012

Response by the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association

IMLA board appointments unite the intermediary sector
22 November 2012

IMLA has today announced its new chairman and board of directors for 2013 at its Annual General Meeting in London.

16 November 2012

IMLA, the trade association for UK lenders involved in the generation of mortgage business through professional financial intermediaries, has confirmed Principality Building Society as its latest member.

IMLA underlines importance of liaison with policy makers and regulators
21 September 2012

IMLA, the trade association for UK lenders involved in the intermediary mortgage market, has pledged to continue to work with the regulator to address poor practice, unfairness and inequality in the housing market.

Advisers more optimistic about mortgage market than at the start of the year
29 August 2012

Intermediaries have grown in confidence during 2012, with almost one third of firms (28%) saying they believe market conditions are now improving compared to just 14% in January.

Leeds Building Society joins IMLA
20 August 2012

IMLA, the trade association for UK lenders involved in the generation of mortgage business through professional financial intermediaries, has announced Leeds Building Society will become its latest member.

The European mortgage credit directive
07 June 2012

John Heron, chair of the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association comments on the ECON vote on the European mortgage credit directive

IMLA: the great housing debate continues
23 May 2012

As debate about the UK housing market continues, the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA), the industry body for lenders who market their products primarily through intermediaries, comments on recent findings and discussions.

IMLA: MMR has wider implications than the mortgage market
19 March 2012

The Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA) has reviewed in detail the findings of the Mortgage Market Review (MMR) and, whilst recognising that the regulator has made strenuous efforts to address the concerns raised by the industry, real concerns remain at a structural level about the future health of the housing and mortgage market.

Intermediaries most optimistic about buy-to-let
23 February 2012

An Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA) survey has revealed that intermediaries are optimistic about the buy-to-let market in 2012 but remain cautious about lending levels overall.

IMLA members predict a challenging year ahead
01 January 2012

Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA) members are expecting the year ahead to be a challenging one for the UK economy with this impacting on the country’s housing and mortgage markets.