IMLA celebrates 30 years of growth

06 July 2018

Past and present Intermediary Mortgage Lenders’ Association (IMLA) leaders and members came together this week to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the association.

Since the formation of the Association of Mortgage Lenders in 1988, and its re-birth as the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders’ Association (IMLA) in November 1995, there have been 19 Chairmen of the trade body, 19 of whom were gathered at a celebratory lunch on Thursday, 5th July. Membership is the highest ever – with 42 Full and 13 Associate members. Chairman Phil Rickards welcomed all those attending the lunch with some reflections on the past 30 years and looked forward to a vibrant future for the association.

IMLA past chairs reunited

(Pictured: Chris Heard; Phil Rickards; John Maltby; Kevin Purvey; Guy Batchelor; Nigel Terrington; Tim Dawson; Robert Sharpe; Peter Williams; Godfrey Blight; John Heron; Tony Ward; Charles Haresnape)

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